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Мнение и его накопление в сети Интернет: паттерны и эффекты, алгоритмы и акторы

Руководители: Светлана Сергеевна Бодрунова, профессор СПбГУ
Анна Николаевна Сытник, доцент СПбГУ

Svetlana S. Bodrunova. St. Petersburg State University
What is opinion online? Automated opinion mining and its current limitations

Galiya Zh. Ibrayeva, Aliya Nurshaikhova. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Kazakhstan, Almaty)
Do Russian and Kazakh influencers differ in their impact upon public opinion in Kazakhstan? Influential frames in cumulative opinion formation

Kamilla Nigmatullina, Svetlana Bodrunova. St. Petersburg State University
Cumulative narratives of discontent: methodological approaches

Olga L.Rink. Moscow State University Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
Konstantin V.Vorontsov. Moscow State University Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
Nika K. Shabelskaya. RUDN named after Patrice Lumumba (Moscow)
Uncovering positivism, negativism, and conflict in large text collections. Material values and the code of "noble maidens"

Alena Rodicheva, Svetlana S. Bodrunova, Ivan Blekanov, Nikita Tarasov. St. Petersburg State University
Discursive and attitudinal speech features in cumulative crises of brands

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